How long do drugs remain in your body during drug detox?  To begin with we should determine what a drug is. Drugs can be any chemical that modifies how a person’s body operates when being absorbed. Most conversations pertaining to drugs and drug detox almost always involve illicit drugs like amphetamines, hallucinogens, opiates or cannabis, but other substances like caffeine and nicotine also modify how your body operates when they are ingested, and your body can become dependent on them also requiring a drug detox when you want to stop.
So, how long do drugs remain in your system if you are undergoing drug detox? This can depend on many issues:

1. Physiological characteristics
One’s health state, body mass, height and weight, and age can all contribute to the length of time your body takes to drug detox. For example, the longer a person has lived, the slower his or her metabolic rate becomes. Thus, the older a person is, the more time a drug will stay in their system. Additionally, the greater an individual’s body mass is, the more time drugs will remain in their system whilst in drug detox.

2. Frequency of use
One additional factor that can influence the length of time drugs remain in one’s system during drug detox is how often you have been using the drugs (one time per day, two times per day, etc.).  So how often you abuse your drug of choice and how long you have been taking drugs can contribute to the length of time the substances stay in your body during drug detox.

3. Type of drugs
Certain drugs take longer to metabolize during drug detox. So no matter what one’s metabolic rate is, the substances in some types of drugs take longer to leave your body during drug detox.

For chronic drug users (AKA dug addicts), drugs will stay in their body much longer during drug detox as a result of the frequency and length of use and because of damage caused by the drugs to the organs that metabolize the drugs.